Saturday, December 12, 2009

seeking ideas for novel

you can pour the contents of your novel with you taking the theme of the life around you. continue to develop so that later you can develop your mind or if you think about how we develop our novel

Friday, November 20, 2009

about Agnes Jessica

Agnes is an author Jessiaca who was born in Jakarta. hoby he read books, he unwittingly mejadikan hobby he a famous novelist. The first novel he wrote is Flower The Wasted, which is next butterfly trail.

important novel

title of the novel is very important because it can affect the reader. readers will be interested to read the novel that we make, and will affect the amount of sales of our novels.

a novel synopsis

Author: Mito Orihara
Publisher: PT Elex Media Komputindo


my name is Karin Nanakura, 15 years old.
I was sitting in 3rd grade through junior high and ready for final exams.
Sakura Village where I live would soon be gone, drowned in the bottom of the dam. I feel happy because it means I will leave this village and moved to Tokyo that I dream about. But, since I started taking pictures of this village with my childhood friend, Kazuma, my heart slowly began to change. Memories spring we will not be forgotten.

elements in the novel

in a novel elements contained in the novel is as follows:
1. Intrinsic elements
a. theme; is the underlying substance of the course of the story.
b. Setting is the background that helps the course of the story for example, place and time
c. Flow is the way a story or series chronology
d. point of view is the author's position in the story
e.Gaya language is the language used by the author
f. characterization, the author describes the character through dialogue, physical characteristics and place of residence.

2. Element Ekstinsik
ekstinsik elements are elements outside the examples is the author of biographies, history and background of the novel the author creates.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

front cover of the novel

Front cover of the novel affect one's reading interest in the novel.


Welcome to the Mariana-novel
Here you will find information about some of the novelist and the novel written by the author. Here also will be accompanied by a synopsis of the novel.
hopefully can help you
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